This annual registration form is for all clergy (both those already ordained and those seeking ordination) as well as those who have just started the journey by receiving a Local Minister License.
This will help us make sure that our district ministry records remain accurate.
Thank you for taking the time to carefully fill this out.
In order to receive your first District license or have a credential transferred to the Georgia District the district office must have a copy of a background check. Please email your background check to
If you have had your local license for a year, and if you have completed 6 courses or a quarter of the course of study required for ordination you can ask your church board to vote on recommending you to the Georgia District for a District License by having them fill out Form 814.
The Georgia District requires that all candidates for ordination attend the Ministerial Candidates Workshop (MCW) weekend at some point in their journey of seeking ordination. This weekend workshop is designed to be completed with the minister’s spouse if they are married.
MCW weekend is held in the Spring each year with registration begining in the fall, with assessment packets to be completed around the first of the year in advance of the weekend.
Our district will post and /or share the registration dates and information this upcoming fall.
If so, you need to go through the divorce barrier removal process and schedule a time to meet with the Georgia Board of Ministry. To schedule a time or if you have questions contact our Board of Ministry Co-Chair, Rev. Lonnie Grant at, or District Secretary, Rev. Don Hicks at
All academic records of any academic work should be emailed to Rev. Dell Miller at: or
Every year in Feburuary interviews to receive a district license and final interviews for ordination are conducted at our GOLD (Georgia Ordination and Leadership Development) which is held at Adrian Camp and Conference Center. Our GOLD weekend is mandatory for everyone working towards ordination.
For more info and dates for this year's GOLD event, click here.